The following blog post has been created by Yalda Alaoui, Naturopathic Nutritionist and Founder of the Eat, Burn, Sleep platform.

Yalda Alaoui, Naturopathic Nutritionist and Founder of the Eat Burn Sleep platform, through her ground breaking research into the fields of chronic inflammation and gut health, has earned her the reputation of being a globally recognized Anti-inflammation Pioneer. Yalda's mission is to share her expertise and reach as many people as possible so that we all live our best lives, with more autonomy over our diet and lifestyle choices, for long-term physical and psychological benefits.
The Benefits of a Low Inflammation Lifestyle
I get asked a lot by people who do not have health issues whether my anti-inflammatory ‘diet’ would benefit them somehow.
People often say ‘diet,’ but the Eat Burn Sleep method is much more than that. It is a holistic anti-inflammatory lifestyle with more facets than just what we eat.
Diets are generally unsustainable and very restrictive.
Diets can make you feel guilty if you have an ‘off’ day. Strict diets are generally not good for the body in the long run, and some are dangerous.
I am all about what is best for your mental and physical health, now and in the future.
What Lifestyle Choice Is Best For Good Health?
How Can You Change Your Lifestyle?
How Does Eat Burn Sleep Help With Optimum Health?
What Is Optimal Health?
Why Do We Need Strong Gut Flora?
How Can You Fix Your Mental Health Naturally?
How Do I Improve My Body Composition?
What Is The Ideal Healthy Lifestyle?
How Do I Prevent Disease and Health Issues?
How Do You Fix Autoimmune Disease Naturally?
How Do You Take Care of Your Body When You’re Sick?
What Lifestyle Choice Is Best For Good Health?
A sustainable lifestyle choice.
A lifestyle choice that is best for good overall, long-term health for everyone would focus on mental, physical, and emotional well-being; one that focuses on improving gut flora, detoxifying the liver, and keeping inflammation at bay.

A good lifestyle choice does not activate the weak genes (hereditary chronic inflammation-related disease) in your DNA.
How Can You Change Your Lifestyle?
It can be rather daunting to decide to change your lifestyle; barriers are often formed before you even start.
You can think about commitment issues, patience, giving up things that you love, how realistic it is, the challenges involved, and whether it works for everyone around you.
The key to success is down to not aiming for perfection.

Aiming for perfection means setting unrealistic goals that are impossible to attain.
That means that you are in a perpetual cycle of never feeling satisfied.
This will have you crumbling at the first hurdle and feeling guilty if you don’t stick to the new lifestyle plan rigidly.
This is not good for sustainability or your mental health. Life is to be enjoyed.
Rigid plans are not enjoyable, and you can easily break them.
Striving for perfection means that we are so taken with achieving perfection that we miss out on life; being in the moment, living mindfully, breathing…enjoying what is around us.
Look at the whole picture and set realistic goals.
Forming new sustainable and enjoyable habits is critical. Being supported with proper exercise and nutrition advice is essential.
Learning to make good choices when you are out to dinner or switching off without worrying when on holiday is essential.
Having the tools to know what is good for your body, mind, and emotions, enjoying the process, and feeling the results is paramount to success.

Eat Steak, and drink wine and coffee on the Eat Burn Sleep lifestyle. In moderation!
If you enjoy coffee, steak, or a glass of wine, to state at the beginning of a lifestyle choice that you can’t have them makes you feel miserable. Let’s be honest.
When you are in charge, based on learning about what is best for you, and feeling and seeing the changes – and everyone around can see and feel it, too – this is empowerment – and you know that it isn’t going to be a lifestyle that you will be changing anytime soon!
How Does Eat Burn Sleep Help With Optimum Health?
Eat Burn Sleep is a unique health education platform that is ultimately empowering, guiding people for long-term optimum health, making second-nature choices (when away from the plan), and having more autonomy over their health choices.
Following the 80/20 method, it is all about moderation, having treats, and enjoying life more.

Through the right anti-inflammatory diet for you, movement, neuroplasticity methods, and forming long-term science-backed habits while reducing inflammation, it can be physically noticed quite soon.
So many people who follow the Eat Burn Sleep anti-inflammatory lifestyle say they look the best they have ever looked. The reason for this is that they are feeling better.
When we lower chronic inflammation, even if we don’t have any health issues, the first thing that it does is increase our energy levels. Our energy levels are very low if our diet has gut flora imbalance and our lifestyle is stressful.
What Is Optimal Health?
Optimal health is not a standard. It is very subjective to your circumstances; how you feel, your age, your genetics, and the microbiome you were born with (and have developed over time).
Optimal health depends on where you live, your lifestyle demands, etc.
Why Do We Need Strong Gut Flora?
Regarding diet, it is essential to give our body the proper nutrients to have robust gut flora. This impacts your immunity and neurotransmitters like serotonin, GABA, dopamine, and melatonin.

It impacts sleep and hormones (whether you are a man or a woman) and, as a result, your energy levels.
It also impacts your endocrine response. For example, if you have unstable sugar levels, that will affect your cortisol, adrenaline, and energy levels.
So, following a low-inflammation diet and lifestyle, from a food standpoint, can significantly impact your energy levels.
Low-inflammation lifestyles have a significant impact on your mental well-being.
How Can You Fix Your Mental Health Naturally?

Focusing on your gut health and reducing inflammation through diet and lifestyle is essential when you want to improve your moods, reduce anxiety and depression, and, generally, have mental health.
It is all linked because by improving gut flora, you are producing certain mood-modulating hormones, as mentioned above.
The way that you think changes.
60% of neurotransmitters are allocated in the gut. 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut, responsible for well-being and happiness as well as reducing anxiety and mood swings.
It is a precursor for melatonin, the hormone that helps you sleep.
Eat Burn Sleep improves your mental wellness scientifically.

The body, mind, and skin are improved on EBS.
How Do I Improve My Body Composition?
Many people see an improvement in body composition with this anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
The reason is that you are eating foods that support the healing of soft tissues, bones, muscles, and skin.
Also, because the exercise on the platform is not inflammatory, the shift in better body composition is healthier and doesn’t ‘invite’ conditions in the long run.
Many people say they get the ‘Eat Burn Sleep Glow.’ It is all linked.
Your body will become stronger because of what you are feeding your body and the correct exercise you do daily.
Doing the proper anti-inflammatory movement will significantly influence your energy levels and liver detoxification pathways.
The anti-inflammatory program also influences your mental wellness, encouraging you to go for a fresh air walk and get vitamin D, along with guided meditations and lifestyle tips.
Have you seen the videos to support optimum health and happiness?
The optimum health guidance will influence how you feel and look.

What Is The Ideal Healthy Lifestyle?
You don’t need a health condition to feel the incredible benefits of a low-inflammation lifestyle. Many people do not realize that they have inflammation running in their bodies until they are diagnosed with a condition.
So, opting for a low inflammation lifestyle is damage limitation, reducing the risk.
A low-inflammation lifestyle can make you feel better. You will have significant energy levels, a better mood, and body composition, sleep better, have better skin, and feel like you are the best version of yourself.
This is achieved relatively quickly when you reduce chronic inflammation in your body (although I am not into quick fixes).
It is the long run that matters.
One super important piece of information to know, which I speak about all the time, is:
Chronic inflammation switches on your poor, weaker genes.
So, if there is a family history of diseases like heart attacks, autoimmune disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, hormone issues, cancer, and so on, they all are linked to chronic inflammation.
For any disease you cannot transmit, the expression of those genes will depend on the levels of chronic inflammation in your body.

Such a lifestyle plays a huge role in preventing the development of hereditary conditions.
How Do I Prevent Disease and Health Issues?
An anti-inflammatory lifestyle helps people prevent potential health issues.
For example, because I have autoimmunity in my family, this is my weak gene.
When I had inflammation running through my body, I developed one autoimmune disease, and then I developed another autoimmune disease.
I have realized that once you have one autoimmune disease, you can have multiple autoimmune diseases. You can develop so many.
You can have Hashimoto’s and multiple sclerosis or cancer and colitis because they are forms of autoimmunity.
How Do You Fix Autoimmune Disease Naturally?
How I went about fixing my autoimmune diseases (putting them into remission) naturally began with thinking about what I needed to do to stop the hemorrhage, stopping the bleeding.

I was thinking about all the medication I was on and what it was doing to my body. It was like a building with cracks all over it, and having medication was putting plasters on the cracks.
It wasn’t fixing the foundations, so more cracks were appearing.
I needed to fix the foundations so that more cracks didn’t appear.
Autoimmunity expresses itself pretty early in people’s lives generally. Other issues, like cancer and heart attacks, typically express themselves later in life.
It can almost be too late because they are so inflamed. After all, they have been inflamed for a long time.
Some people are lucky and have quickly reversed their disease with this anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
The long journey is essential, though, not the quick fix.
So, you can’t just go on a low inflammation diet, and it will sort it out quickly. It isn’t just diet, remember. Your whole lifestyle comes into play. It may take some time to see results, or it may not. The prevention side is enormous.
There is so much misinformation when it comes to health out there.

How Do You Take Care of Your Body When You’re Sick?
Frankly, if I had found an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle when I was sick, it would have saved quite a few years of pain.
That is why I created the Eat Burn Sleep anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
It isn’t just for when you are sick, though. This is the best diet and lifestyle to keep sickness at bay, keeping your body and mind free from inflammation.
I am on a mission to ensure that everyone is living at their optimum health, physically and mentally, for now, and for the future.
Please explore the platform. If you have any questions, reach out to me on Instagram and the Eat Burn Sleep team here.
You can hear the podcast about the benefits of a low-inflammation lifestyle here.
In the meantime, keep healthy, keep happy and keep the inflammation down.
I hope that you have a wonderful day!